Bruno Sanfilippo – InTRO

Bruno Sanfilippo - InTRO

Release data:

Bruno Sanfilippo – InTRO (remastered & expanded)
CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, ad21 Music, 2006/2018

In 2006, the beautiful designed “InTRO” marked a new chapter in the nice organic ambient music of Bruno Sanfilippo of which the impact seemed to grow with every new release. The seven tracks on the 50-minute album explore the interest in the unfettered possibilities of dreams, going by rather fluidly as a very relaxed journey. Its impact is strongly imaginative, featuring lush piano interludes, great synthesizer pads, soft soaring sound textures and transparent soundscapes all coming to a highlight on the closing track “inTROpassion”.

Besides completely new artwork, the 2018 edition of both mental and highly emotive inner soundscaping has been fully remastered from the original master and expanded by another two tracks (“inTROpolar” and “inTROsense”) taken from recording sessions in May 2006.

It makes 65-minutes of pure introspective beauty and a real treat for ears and soul. Well done, Bruno!



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