Bruno Sanfilippo – Urbs

Bruno Sanfilippo - Urbs

Release data:

Bruno Sanfilippo – Urbs
CD/DIGITAL DOWNLOAD, Hypnos Recordings, 2012

On “Urbs”, Bruno Sanfilippo introduces the listener in the amazing world of city soundscapes and its vast array of noises. Bruno tried to merge this mysterious alchemy from a punctual approach, discrete in elements and discourses.

“Urbs” offers a spacious, mysterious and above all hypnotizing sonic ride through the multiple dimensions of inner city life in four lengthy tracks. Don’t think this is kind of background music as the gliding and gradually shifting effect of noises and field recordings melted together demands focussed listening.

I’m personally not too amused by the occasional, slightly distracting experimental cracks and noises as employed in “Chaotic Order” (with its 25-minute duration the longest track on the album).
Fortunately, a sense of harmony and stillness slides back on “The Gray Umbrella”, in a way slightly approaching Vangelis “Bladerunner” atmosphere.
All in all, “Urbs” makes an intense listening experience.


You can see what reviews I have done of this artist on the Bruno Sanfilippo artist page


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