Ashera – Colour Glow

Ashera - Colour Glow


Release data:

Ashera – Colour Glow
CD, Private Release, 2000

“Colour Glow” is the third album from Australian-based ambient musician Antonio Asher Wright aka Ashera.

Again,the same two female vocalists on his former album contribute in a marvelous way to a few of the eleven tracks available.

Was I a bit remembered of the music of Eno in the past, now Ashera’s music sounds more original than ever. We encounter over 62 minutes of very warm and embracing non-rhythmic ambient soundtextures that give the listener both a very intimate & relaxing feel.

The vocals on the outstanding title track (which lasts over 13 minutes) are somewhat in line of Enya, but are not-melodic.

In the track “Play Ground”, a very pleasant flute/mellotron sound is used which makes this track almost drift away as liquid.

This ambient gem almost feels as one of the proper guides for introspective voyaging!


You can see what reviews I have done of this artist on the Ashera artist page


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